Tuesday 22 March 2016

Location Shots

LOCATION: Deserted Street 

DESCRIPTION: One of Koncheski's men walks the deserted streets of London dealing drugs to vulnerable addicts

LOCATION: Deserted Street 2
DESCRIPTION: After trying to protect the drug addicts best interests, Lauren becomes victim to Koncheski's operation, and is left for dead

DESCRIPTION: Leon stands alone comtemplating all he has lost. Overcome with emotion he finds it hard to concentrate on his work, leading to problems with his case.

LOCATION: Police Chief's Office
DESCRIPTION: Leon's lack of work since the sudden loss of his girlfriend lands him in trouble with his boss. Despite worries regarding his work he assures his chief he'll crack the case and bring down Koncheski once and for all.

LOCATION: Leon's Office
DESCRIPTION: Leon's frustration build up and he becomes impatient trying to investigate Koncheski. He realises he has to look deeper to find out the truth behind the mysterious villain, but doesn't realise he could find out more than he bargained for.

LOCATION: Investigation Board
DESCRIPTION: Leon gradually collects more information about Koncheski and finds out that the death of his girlfiend could have been linked to the criminal he's been trying to take down all along. This only pushed him further to try and combat the kingpin's operation, in hope that he'll not only stop one of London's biggest drug operations, but also uncover the truth behind Lauren's sudden demise.

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