Tuesday 15 March 2016

Detailed structure of the trailer


Scene 1) Leo and Lauren bonding. An establishing shot of them sitting together, 2 shot of them talking, close-ups of each character.
Scene 2) Lauren gets murdered, tracking shots of Lauren her walking down the street. Close-ups of her being strangled and falling to the floor.
Scene 3) Lauren’s funeral, pan shot of mourners, close up of Leon, establishing shot of cemetery.
Scene 4) Leon gets called into the police chief’s office, and they dispute over his case. Tracking shots or police chief and Leon, point of view shots from over their shoulders as they talk.
Scene 5) Leon going through a computer looking at files regarding the Koncheski case. Point of view shot, midshot.
Scene 6) Shots of Koncheski to establish his role. Tracking shots, long shots, and close-ups.
Scene 7) Leon meets Vladimir for the first time on the roof. 2 shot, mid shot.
Scene 8) Leon finds out that Koncheski is responsible for Lauren’s death.
Scene 9) Leon has to choose whether to betray Koncheski or join him.

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