Saturday 7 November 2015

Empire-Film Magazine Analysis

What is the name of the magazine? Why do you think its called that? 
The masthead presents the name 'Empire', which could have possible conventions of power and high authority. It being bold and the largest text, as well as being red could intrigue readers to purchase the magazine being that red is seen as a stimulant colour enabling you to make quick decisions.

What can you say about the sell lines
Being a 'crime issue' the sell lines feature information on features connected to gangster, crime thrillers, such as 'The Real Scarface' presenting small information of a 'blood-soaked story of Miami's cocaine kings', encouraging those who are interested in the genre to purchase the magazine, as well as watching the film.

What can you say about the layout design (fonts, colour scheme)?
'Empire' is known for unconventional layouts as they change the layout design regularly depending on the genre of the film. Here the sell lines are placed in the centre at the bottom of the magazine instead of the sides, allowing the focus to be on the main image and the setting. The colour scheme consists of white, black and red, along with the sell lines being in goldish tan colour, the same as 'Russell Crowe'.

What genre of film does it cover? 
The magazine covers a 'crime issue' along with sub-genres related to it.

Who is the target audience?
Normally 'Empire' features films of a sci-fi, dystopian and comic genre, therefore the target audience would happily receive the 'free' Blade Runner poster inside. However this issue, is dedicated to gangster, crime thrillers therefore, the target audience of this would be intrigued to purchase the magazine, varying the overall target audience of the magazine.

Who are the major competitors of the magazine?
It's competitors could include other film magazines, such as 'Take One' and 'Total Film', which are other top British film magazines.

What is the magazine's mission statement or slogan?
The slogan is 'The World's Biggest Movie Magazine', this fits the masthead, 'Emipre' showing the greatness and power within the magazine company as a whole. Believing that within the entire world they are the best.

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