1. To begin the process of creating my film magazine, I placed the image
straight onto a new white document file, in order to begin the process of editing.

2. After deciding on what font to use for my masthead, I straight away placed
and arranged it behind my main image, to convey the sense of my magazine
being popular amongst my audience that full name 'FOCUS' does not
need to be shown. It arguably presents that Seb Stewart playing Koncheski
is extremely powerful by being in front of the text. To present this I duplicated
the main image layer and placed the text behind it, I then selected the polygonal
Lasso Tool to cut around Seb's face, this allowed me to hide the text behind
the image.

3. I decided to add a slogan, to capture the attention of audience by writing
'THE NEW AGE OF FILM', to attract them further I used the drop and
outer shadow to convey a 3D effect, in order to stand out against the
2D background.

4. With a relevant choice of font, I was able to gather sell lines to place
at the left and right-hand side, to conform to the typical conventions of
magazine front covers. I created a button, using a font provider in order
to make the magazine more appealing to look at. This was reinforced with
an outer and drop shadow, to portray a 3D effect, to stand out to the

5. After the placement of sell lines and the button, I followed my initial
front cover ideas by having 'Seb Stewart as Koncheski' followed by 'Loyalty
Is The Enemy' as the headline and sub-headline. To complete this, I added the
title 'EXPIRED', I conformed to the typical conventions of film magazines, where
the font title of the poster and trailer, differs to the one placed on the magazine
front cover.

6. To continue the development of the magazine, I continued to follow
typical conventions by adding a bar-code to the bottom of the front cover,
hypothetically making it easier for my magazine to sell, if it was within stores.
To edit the front cover further, I used a plus sign, to present the additional
articles that would be within the magazine, therefore making it more value
for money.

7. To give the front cover, a cinematic feel, I placed a film roll,
to present the remembrance of the past greatest gangster movies,
that would be known by my target audience.

8. Finally, with a few tweaks and re-positioning of the placement of
words and objects, I was finally happy with the outcome of the front
cover as it defiantly conformed to the forms and conventions of film
magazines. Arguably to improve I would use free transform, in order to
re-scale the plus sign and make it smaller.

1. I began by placing black and white rectangles, to present a clear
example of binary opposites. I then placed the same white and black
effect above the main image of Seb, in order to make the poster
stand out to my target audience. To create a wind effect, I used
the blending tool to convey the sense that the still image is representing
Koncheski's running of his drug and violent operations.

2. To present the London skyline, I used a mirroring effect, in order
to stress the effect of Koncheski's operations within London.

3. To portray a more visual wind effect, I heightened the control
of the inner shadow, making the main image stand out further.

4. I placed the masthead 'EXPIRED' in the middle of the poster,
ensuring that it was large enough to attract my target audience but
not too large to take up the entire poster.

5. After placing the masthead, I used a 'Riesling' font for the tagline
'LOYALTY IS THE ENEMY' ensuring that it didn't over complicate
the overall poster and that's why I have placed it above the skyline,
main image and title.

6. I then used the same 'Riesling' font for the actors name,
to familiarize the audience with the main actors of the production.

7. To continue to follow typical forms and conventions of film posters,
I used 'Steel Tongs' (font) to insert the names and roles of those
involved in the production, however, I minimized the font, similar to
'GOODFELLAS' and 'THE DEPARTED' because the audience would've
been aware of seeing credits on film posters.

8. In addition to the credits, I added the release of the movie being
'JANUARY 1 2017' and the website of the production. This once again
familiarizes the audience with key information about the production,
especially the date.

9. Finally, I completed the film poster by adding a 'SONY' and 'HD'
logo, as well as my production logo to make my poster look
professional to my target audience.