Tuesday 12 April 2016

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?


  • From what you have seen what genre do you think this is?
  • Does that narrative make sense to you?
  • Do you think the cinematography was effective?
  • Do you think the editing and sound are effective in portraying the narrative of the story?
  • Would you watch this film?
  • Do you think anything could be improved?

Sunday 3 April 2016

Change of plot

We decided to have two protagonists', one being the character 'Lauren Watson' (Leon's girlfriend) and the vulnerable addict played by 'Georgia Morgan'. An example of this is where we have added a kidnapping scene of Georgia by Vladmir Koncheski and his mob because she was an eye witness to Lauren Watson's murder, which is presented on the crime map. To portray this scene in a realistic way we used a dark cellar and placed Georgia on a chair, with her hands tied out of reach and a blindfold over her eyes. The scene presents her struggling to escape and a slip of her bra, in order to portray the fact that these men would've harmed or threatened her in a sexual manner.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Trailer credits

Inspiration from THE DEPARTED credits:

Process of EXPIRED credits:

Friday 1 April 2016

Use of Music

The effects of the music convey a sense of support towards the film trailer, as it plays a huge role in the attitude of the target audience. During the course of arranging the music, I found that rhythm was very important due to the necessity of it being in sync with sound and visuals, therefore, I had to ensure that I didn't cut a beat in an incorrect transition. The sound effect at the point where Lauren was being strangled, heightened the suspense of questioning what happens next. This is arguably the right effect that has to be made on the audience. I merged the voiceover with Leon talking into the increases sound of a heartbeat, also the increase the tension of the trailer, enticing the audience further.

Making of DRUGS and VIOLENCE titles

We decided to change the name of both titles, to LOYALTY IS THE ENEMY, due to the belief that
DRUGS and VIOLENCE will give too much away to our audience.


Trailer- Process of Editing


In order to help reinforce what's happening on screen, we needed to find music to match the action within the trailer. It was important that we found royalty free music and sound effects so that we didn't violate any copyright regulations. We found that youtube was best for this as it had a large variety of tracks we could use.

Below are tracks that have been used within the trailer:

Below are tracks that we could use if need be:





The creation of our Investigation Board